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I'm Steffen Peter,

I'm a former Postdoctoral Researcher
at the Center for Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems
at the University of California, Irvine

I left academic research a while ago...

About Me

Until 2016

Postdoctoral Researcher,
Project Leader of the CPS Design Science Project
Co-PIs of the project are Prof. Tony Givargis and Prof. Daniel Gajski

Center for Embedded and Cyber-physical Systems (CECS)
University of California, Irvine (UCI)

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2006-2012: Project Scientist at IHP microelectronics, Germany
in the group of Prof. Peter Langendoerfer

Selected Projects:
  • TAMPRES - TAMPer Resistant Sensor node
  • WSAN4CIP - Wireless Sensor and Actuator networks for Critical Infrastructure Protection
  • UbiSec&Sens - Ubiquitous Sensing and Security

2011: PhD of Computer Engineering from BTU Cottbus, Germany
Thesis: Tool-Supported Development of Secure Wireless Sensor Networks

2006: Diploma in Computer Science from BTU Cottbus, Germany
Thesis: Evaluation of Design Alternatives for flexible Elliptic Curve Hardware Accelerators

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My Research

My research interests include modeling of timing, network and dependability aspects in cyber physical systems and wireless sensor networks. I am also interested in the application of such models for system configuration processes that are applicable also for users outside the design community.


Cyber-Physical Systems Design

The overall objective of the NSF-funded CPS project is to create a general CPS design-science that makes design of every CPS simpler, faster and more dependable, while at the same time reducing the cost and the required expertise level. DesignSciCPS aims to extend the well-understood methodology for embedded system design with new models and design-space exploration techniques, covering the cyber and the physical part of the systems.

CPS Project Page

Component Framework

Component-based Design

My core research interest is on the design of systems using components that describe properties in a high-level abstraction language. The selected abstraction proves to be effective in combining physical-, environmental, and cyber parts of the system. In the moment I work on efficient design space exploration using satisfiabilty (SMT) solvers and on the models to assess cyber-physical design trade-offs.

Research Page

Teaching & Advising

An important (and fun) aspect of my work is the dissemination of my research results and experiences in form of advising and teaching. Besides my work as mentor for graduate and undergraduate students, I've had the opportunity to teach a full graduate-level course at the school of Engineering at UCI.
In the moment I have no office hours. So if you want to talk to me, send me an email, or just come to my office.
Component Framework

EECS 225: Embedded Systems Design

This graduate-level course teaches the design mothodology of embedded (and cyber-physical) systems. The class was offered the first time in Spring 2014. I will teach the class again in Spring 2015.

EECS 225 (2015)

Research Advisor

In the moment I work with 4 PhD students and 3 undergraduate students in our group. The research topics include:
  • The Falling Ball Example - built and studied in our lab
  • "Robots in Love" - two self-driving robots are meant to find each other... with machine learning and advanced control.
  • Inverted Pendulum - a small control system with an amazing cyber-physical design space... built and studied in our lab
  • Can we use body signals (ECG) to ensure secure and reliable operations of body area networks? An experiment is in our lab.
  • Fault-tolerance in Sensor and control systems: What happens if sensors are wrong or late? How to cope?
Sounds interesting? Contact me! We are always looking for well-motivated grad and undergrad students.


Board Member of the PDA
Since Fall 2014 I have been board member and Vice Chair of Career Development in the UCI Postdoctoral Assocation (PDA). Learn more about the PDA and our work on the PDA web page.
Article Referee
I have been member in various conference program committees (SAMOS, ISSSE, etc.), and have been reviewer for journal (TECS, IJDSN, IJCDS, SENSORS, JAISE) and conference articles (DATE, DAC, CODESISSS, etc.).

My Publications

Here is a list of my publications and patents. If you are interested in the number of citations and some other stats, please have a look at my google scholar page

Journals and Articles

  • [8] Component-Based Synthesis of Embedded Systems Using Satisfiability Modulo Theories; Peter, Steffen and Givargis, Tony; ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), vol. 20, num. 4, pp. 49:1--49:27, 2015; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [7] A Survey on Concepts, Applications, and Challenges in Cyber-Physical Systems; Volkan Gunes and Steffen Peter and Tony Givargis and Frank Vahid; KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, vol. 8, num. 12, pp. 4242--4268, 2014; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [6] Adaptive Resource Synchronization In Hierarchical Real-Time Systems; Tom Springer and Steffen Peter and Tony Givargis; ACM SIGBED Review, vol. 11, num. 4, 2014; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [5] A survey on the encryption of convergecast traffic with in-network processing; Steffen Peter and Dirk Westhoff and Claude Castelluccia; IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, pp. 20--34, 2010; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [4] Adaptable security in wireless sensor networks by using reconfigurable ECC hardware coprocessors; Jorge Portilla and A. Otero and Eduardo de la Torre and Teresa Riesgo and Oliver Stecklina and Seffen Peter and Peter Langendoerfer; International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, vol. 2010, 2010; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [3] Public key cryptography empowered smart dust is affordable; Steffen Peter and Peter Langendoerfer and Krzysztof Piotrowski; International Journal of Sensor Networks, vol. 4, num. 1/2, 2008; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [2] Privacy-Enhancing Technique: A Survey and Classification; Peter Langendoerfer and Michael Maaser and Krzysztof Piotrowski and Steffen Peter; Handbook of Research on Wireless Security, pp. 115-128, 2008; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [1] Crosslayer firewall interaction as a means to provide effective and efficient protection at mobile devices; Peter Langendoerfer and Krzysztof Piotrowski and Steffen Peter and Martin Lehmann; Computer Communications, vol. 30, num. 7, pp. 1487--1497, 2007; [Document]  [Bib]  

Peer-reviewed Conferences and Workshops

  • [35] From the Browser to the Remote Physical Lab: Programming Cyber-physical Systems; Steffen Peter and Farshad Momtaz and Tony Givargis; In to appear in IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) 2015, October 21-24, EL Paso Texas, 2015; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [34] Fuzzy Logic Based Adaptive Hierarchical Scheduling for Periodic Real-Time Tasks; Springer, Tom and Peter, Steffen and Givargis, Tony; In to appear in The 5th Embedded Operating Systems Workshop (EWiLi), organized as part of Embedded Systems Week (ESWeek), October 2015, 2015; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [33] Improving Energy Efficiency and Thermal Comfort of Smart Buildings with HVAC Systems in the Presence of Sensor Faults; Volkan Gunes and Steffen Peter and Tony Givargis; In to appear in 12th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS), August 2015, 2015; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [32] Including Variability of Physical Models into the Design Automation of Cyber-Physical Systems; Hamid Mirzaei and Steffen Peter and Tony Givargis; In 52nd Design Automation Conference (DAC), June 2015, 2015; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [31] Integration and Evaluation of Intrusion Detection for CoAP in Smart City Applications; Jana Krimmling and Steffen Peter; In Communications and Network Security (CNS), 2014 IEEE Conference on, 2014; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [30] GALS Design of ECC Against Side-Channel Attacks - A Comparative Study; Xin Fan and Steffen Peter and Milos Krstic; In Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS), 2014; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [29] Resource Synchronization in Hierarchically Scheduled Real-Time Systems using Preemptive Critical Sections; Springer, Tom and Peter, Steffen and Givargis, Tony; In Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC), 2014 IEEE 17th International Symposium on, 2014; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [28] From Old Ideas to New Questions - Exploring GALS Design for SCA Resistance; Xin Fan and Steffen Peter and Milos Krstic; In IEEE Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC 2014), 2014; [Bib]  
  • [27] Self-Organized Bluetooth Scatternets for Wireless Sensor Networks; Michael Methfessel and Stefan Lange and Rolf Kraemer and Mario Zessack and Steffen Peter; In 11th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (SenSys), 2013; [Bib]  
  • [26] Utilizing Intervals in Component-based Design of Cyber Physical Systems; Steffen Peter and Tony Givargis; In 10th IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS), 2013; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [25] Modeling and Mitigation of Faults in Cyber-Physical Systems with Binary Sensors; Volkan Gunes and Steffen Peter and Tony Givargis; In 13th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT), 2013; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [24] Real-Life Deployment of Bluetooth Scatternets for Wireless Sensor Networks; Michael Methfessel and Stefan Lange and Rolf Kraemer and Mario Zessack and Peter Kollermann and Steffen Peter; In Fifth Workshop on Real-World Wireless Sensor Networks (RealWSN), 2013; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [23] Sens4U: Wireless Sensor Network Applications for Environment Monitoring Made Easy; Krzysztof Piotrowski and Steffen Peter; In Fourth International Workshop on Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications (SESENA) In conjunction with ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2013; [Document]  [Slides]  [Bib]  
  • [22] A Ball Goes to School - Our Experiences from a CPS Design Experiment; Steffen Peter and Frank Vahid and Daniel D. Gajski and Tony Givargis; In First NSF Workshop on CPS Education (at CPSWeek 2013), 2013; [Document]  [Slides]  [Poster]  [Bib]  
  • [21] Tool-supported Methodology for Component-based Design of Wireless Sensor Network Applicationss; Steffen Peter and Peter Langendoerfer; In The 4th IEEE International Workshop on Component-Based Design of Resource-Constrained Systems, in conjunction with COMPSAC 2012 - the IEEE Signature Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications, 2012; [Document]  [Slides]  [Bib]  
  • [20] Design of a sensor node crypto processor for IEEE 802.15. 4 applications; Goran Panic and Thomas Basmer and Henry Schomann and Steffen Peter and Frank Vater and Klaus Tittelbach-Helmrich; In SOC Conference (SOCC), 2012 IEEE International, 2012; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [19] Towards Strong Security in Embedded and Pervasive Systems: Energy and Area Optimized Serial Polynomial Multipliers in GF (2k); Zoya Dyka and Peter Langendoerfer and Frank Vater and Steffen Peter; In New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), 2012 5th International Conference on, 2012; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [18] Bluetooth Scatternet Tree Formation for Wireless Sensor Networks; Michael Methfessel and Steffen Peter and Stefan Lange; In Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), 2011 IEEE 8th International Conference on, 2011; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [17] Sensor node processor for security applications; Goran Panic and Thomas Basmer and Oliver Schrape and Steffen Peter and Frank Vater and Klaus Tittelbach-Helmrich; In Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), 2011 18th IEEE International Conference on, 2011; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [16] Implementation analysis of the IEEE 802.15. 4 MAC for wireless sensor networks; Thomas Basmer and Henry Schomann and Steffen Peter; In Mobile and Wireless Networking (iCOST), 2011 International Conference on Selected Topics in, 2011; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [15] Inferring Technical Constraints of a Wireless Sensor Network Application from End-User Requirements; Felix J. Oppermann and Steffen Peter; In 2010 Sixth International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, 2010; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [14] How key establishment in medical sensor networks benefits from near field communication technology; Oliver Maye and Steffen Peter; In Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom), 2010 IEEE/ACM Int'l Conference on & Int'l Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom), 2010; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [13] Test of a Bluetooth Transmission Path for Process Automation - Test einer Bluetooth-Funkstrecke fur die Prozessautomatisierung; Jana Krimmling and Matthias Mahlig and Steffen Peter; In SPS/IPC/Drives 2010, Nuremberg, 2010; [Document]  [Slides]  [Bib]  
  • [12] Reconfiguring crypto hardware accelerators on wireless sensor nodes; Steffen Peter and Oliver Stecklina and Jorge Portilla and Eduardo de la Torre and Peter Langendoerfer and Teresa Riesgo; In Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks Workshops, 2009. SECON Workshops' 09. 6th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on, 2009; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [11] An engineering approach for secure and safe wireless sensor and actuator networks for industrial automation systems; Steffen Peter and Oliver Stecklina and Peter Langendoerfer; In Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation, 2009. ETFA 2009. IEEE Conference on, 2009; [Document]  [Slides]  [Bib]  
  • [10] tinyDSM: A highly reliable cooperative data storage for Wireless Sensor Networks; Krzysztof Piotrowski and Peter Langendoerfer and Steffen Peter; In Collaborative Technologies and Systems, 2009. CTS'09. International Symposium on, 2009; [Document]  [Slides]  [Bib]  
  • [9] An encryption-enabled network protocol accelerator; Steffen Peter and Mario Zessack and Frank Vater and Goran Panic and Horst Frankenfeldt and Michael Methfessel; In Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Wired/wireless internet communications, 2008; [Document]  [Slides]  [Bib]  
  • [8] In-Network-Aggregation as Case Study for a Support Tool Reducing the Complexity of Designing Secure Wireless Sensor Networks; Steffen Peter and Krzysztof Piotrowski and Peter. Langendoerfer; In Proc. of the Third IEEE International Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp), 2008; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [7] A Middleware Approach to Configure Security in WSN; Peter Langendoerfer and Steffen Peter and Krzysztof Piotrowski and R Nunes. and A. Casaca; In 1st ERCIM Workshop on eMobility, 2007; [Document]  [Slides]  [Bib]  
  • [6] An On-chip Security Monitoring Solution For System Clock For Low Cost Devices; Frank Vater and Steffen Peter and Peter Langendoerfer; In 3rd Workshop on Embedded Systems Security (WESS'2008) - A Workshop of the IEEE/ACM EMSOFT'2008 and the Embedded Systems Week, 2008; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [5] Combinatorial logic circuitry as means to protect low cost devices against side channel attacks; Frank Vater and Peter Langendoerfer and Steffen Peter; In Information Security Theory and Practices. Smart Cards, Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Systems, 2007; [Document]  [Slides]  [Bib]  
  • [4] Flexible hardware reduction for elliptic curve cryptography in GF(2m); Steffen Peter and Peter Langendoerfer and Krzysztof Piotrowski; In DATE '07: Proceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe, 2007; [Document]  [Slides]  [Bib]  
  • [3] An Efficient Polynomial Multiplier in GF(2m) and its Application to ECC Designs; Steffen Peter and Peter Langendoerfer; In DATE '07: Proceedings of the conference on Design, automation and test in Europe, 2007; [Document]  [Slides]  [Bib]  
  • [2] On concealed data aggregation for WSNs; Steffen Peter and Krzysztof Piotrowski and Peter Langendoerfer; In IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 2007; [Document]  [Slides]  [Bib]  
  • [1] How public key cryptography influences wireless sensor node lifetime; Krzysztof Piotrowski and Peter Langendoerfer and Steffen Peter; In SASN '06: Proceedings of the fourth ACM workshop on Security of ad hoc and sensor networks, 2006; [Document]  [Slides]  [Bib]  


  • [6] Bluetooth scatternet tree formation for wireless sensor networks; Michael Methfessel and Steffen Peter; EP Patent 2582182; [Link]  [Bib]  
  • [5] Einchipsystem; Michael Methfessel and Steffen Peter and Mario Zessack; DE Patent 102,007,037,064; [Link]  [Bib]  
  • [4] Taktuberwachungsschaltung mit interner Referenztaktquelle; Frank Vater and Ulrich Jagdhold and Steffen Peter and Langendoerfer, Peter; DE Patent 102,007,031,131; [Link]  [Bib]  
  • [3] REDUCTION OF SIDE CHANNEL INFORMATION BY INTERACTING CRYPTO BLOCKS; Steffen Peter and Michael Methfessel and Peter Langendoerfer and Frank Vater; EP Patent 2118739, US Patent 20100095133, WO Patent 2008096004; [Link]  [Bib]  
  • [2] Method and device for reducing a polynomial in a binary finite field, in particular for a cryptographic application; Peter Langendoerfer and Steffen Peter; EP Patent 1,999,571, US Patent 20100061547, WO Patent WO2007107592A2; [Link]  [Bib]  
  • [1] Method and device for calculating a polynom multiplication, in particular for elliptical curve cryptography; Peter Langendoerfer and Zoya Dyka and Steffen Peter; EP Patent 1,859,344; WO Patent WO/2006/092,448; [Link]  [Bib]  


  • [4] Monitoring drinking water pipelines - WSAN demonstrator in Frankfurt/Oder; Steffen Peter and Gerd Weber; 2011; [Link]  [Bib]  
  • [3] Diploma Thesis Evaluation of Design Alternatives for flexible Elliptic Curve Hardware Accelerators; Brandenburgische Technische Universitaet Cottbus; 2006; [Document]  [Bib]  
  • [2] Tool-supported Composition of Software Modules for Safe and Secure Wireless Sensor Networks; Invited Talk: TrustSoft Graduate School on Trustworthy Software Systems; Carl von Ossietzky Universitat Oldenburg, June 2009; 2009; [Slides]  [Bib]  
  • [1] PhD Thesis Tool-Supported Development of Secure Wireless Sensor Networks; BTU Cottbus; 2011; [Document]  [Bib]